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Jenny Le

Australian Legal Executive


Jenny is an Australian Legal Executive who holds a Master of Laws (LL.M) degree from Deakin University.

She is a passionate individual with vast practical experience in Australian migration law. Prior to joining Australian Migration Lawyers, Jenny worked for a registered migration agent and focused on work and business visas.

Jenny's educational journey is a testament to her commitment to the legal field. She graduated from one of Vietnam's top law schools, Ho Chi Minh City University of Law, with dual degrees in Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Business Administration. Her multifaceted education has equipped her with a comprehensive understanding of the intersection of international law and business.

In pursuit of legal expertise, Jenny made her way to Australia, where she embarked on postgraduate studies in law. Currently, she is working towards obtaining a LLB from Deakin University, with the goal of becoming an accredited specialist in immigration law. 

Her dedication to her studies and her remarkable achievements have not gone unnoticed. Recently, she was honoured with the Deakin University subject prize (top student) for migration and refugee law, sponsored by Australian Migration Lawyers. This recognition underscores her exceptional knowledge and dedication to the intricacies of migration law.

Jenny's passion for law, especially in the context of migration law, runs deep. It's not merely a profession for her; it's a calling. She aspires to use her skills to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals navigating the complexities of migration law.

Her unique background, having studied law in both Vietnam and Australia, equips her with a diverse perspective and an ability to bridge legal understanding across cultures and jurisdictions. Her dual-cultural background and deep legal knowledge position her as an asset in the field of migration law. She aspires to continue working in this niche area of law, making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and families seeking to build new lives in Australia.


Master of Laws (LLM), Deakin University
Bachelor of Laws (LLB), Ho Chi Minh City University of Law
Bachelor of Business Administration, Ho Chi Minh City University of Law

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